[Author's Note: This song just had Duo written all over it, so... ^_^ It really all started with the "freaks" line...go figure. ^_^ Note, I like Heero and have nothing against Zechs, so don't flame me!]

Ride the Wild Wind
by Queen
(from the Innuendo album)

(Premise: Duo and Hilde are on Earth for a vacation...)

Ride the wild wind
Push the envelop, don't sit on the fence

(In the kitchen of a small beach house Hilde is putting away groceries)

Hey, hey hey hey
Ride the wild wind
Live life on the razor's edge

(Outside is sunset; Duo pulls up beside the house on a red motorcycle)

Hey~ hey hey
Gonna ride the wild wind
It ain't dangerous...

(Hilde, startled, comes to the door)

...enough for me!
(Duo takes off his black helmet and waves, grinning)

Get your head down, baby, yeah
(Duo steps up on the porch and Hilde leans out the door to kiss him)

We're gonna ride tonight
(Duo hands her a dark violet helmet)

Your angel eyes are shining bright
(Hilde grins in return)

I wanna take your hand
Lead you from this place

(They hurriedly tidy the kitchen, but Duo drags Hilde to the front hall before she can start washing the dishes)

Gonna leave it all behind
Check out of this rat race

(Duo waves a map of roads leading out of CA)

Ride the wild wind
Hey, hey hey hey

(Duo then takes two black leather jackets out of the closet)

Ride the wild wind
Hey~ hey hey

(Hilde comes from her room now clad in tight denim jeans, red midriff and calf-high black boots to match Duo's black jeans, teeshirt and brown leather boots.)

Gonna ride the wild wind
(Duo whistles his approval)

It ain't dangerous...
(Hilde slaps him)

...enough for me!
(Duo grins rakishly, then whirls and shows the Hell's angel image on the back of his jacket)

Tie your hair back, baby
(Outside, Hilde fixed Duo's braid so it fits under the helmet better)

We're gonna ride tonight
(Duo revs the engine as Hilde wraps her arms around him. They leave the driveway and head out onto the open road)

(Miles of open land surround them on one side as they follow a cliff on the other. Several other motorcyclists are also on the road...)

We got freaks to the left
(They pass by Heero...)

We got jerks to the right
(They pass by Zechs. Duo swerves and causes the other two to collide. He laughs and zooms away, Hilde berating him -- but she's laughing, too)

Sometimes I get so low
(Later, although the stars shine brightly, a darkness falls over Duo's increasingly grim face)

I just have to ride
(He speeds up more and more, then suddenly bursts out laughing, his scowl replaced by a smirk)

Let me take your hand
(Hilde tightens her grip on him in fear. He finally slows the bike down, coming to a stop by a wooden railing just off the road where a gas station used to be)

Let me be your guide
(The two gaze at the stars for a while, Duo edging closer and closer until he encases Hilde in his arms and kisses her full on the mouth)

Yeah, ride the wild wind
Don't sit on the fence
Hey, hey hey hey
Mmm, ride the wild wind
Live life on the razor's edge
Hey~ hey hey
Gonna ride and ride the wild wind
It ain't dangerous...

(They turn back the way they came, the moon lighting their way)

Enough for me!
(Duo drives almost on the edge of a cliff, swerves, then continues straight on the road, laughingly speeding away)

Ride the wild wind
Ride the wild wind...
(We see their helmets as they zoom off; both have a skull on the back, Duo's has bat wings and Hilde's has angel's)

Hey hey hey
The wild wind...
The wild wind...

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(c) 2000-2004 Autumn Loweck. This work may not be copied, distributed, or reprinted without the author's permission. Characters of Duo, Hilde, Heero, and Zechs belong to the creators of the GundamWing series, Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, Bandai, and whoever else in Japan involved in this most cool anime.

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